
Young Explorers

Each Month the website will update the kids crafts, ideas and other cool things that they can share with other kids.


Seth's Young Explorers Place

Seth is very bright and amazing and love's ever single toy there is and believes that doing the right thing is important. He is a really formal child and loves to make sure that perfection is the key and wants to share his crazy ideas with others kids. He will be sharing his creations soon!


Berry Parker's Young Explorers Place

Berry Parker loves to draw and makes art hsi favorite subject. He will be showing some of his work here in is very own place where others can joing him on his adventure of just setting your ideas and creations free.


Adaline's Young Explorers Place

Adaline's loves unicorns and believes that anything is possible with a strong mindset. She will be sharing her creations , words of inspiration and would love to share her ideas to other girls her age. Coming Soon her unique explorations !

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